Digital Signatures Scheme

  1. Digital signature can't provide ______ for the message (a) Integrity
    (b) Congidentiality
    (c) NOn repudiation
    (d) Authentication

  2. Digital signature uses ______ for generating valid signature
    (a) Private key
    (b) Public key
    (c) Secret key
    (d) None of the above

  3. Verification Algorithm uses ______ for validating digital signature
    (a) Private key
    (b) Public key
    (c) Secret key
    (d) None of the above

  4. Is digital signature scheme possible without public key cryptography (a) Yes
    (b) No
    (c) May be exist
    (d) None of the above

  5. Explain importance of Hashing(using experiment)and explain why Hashing is needed ?

  6. Suggest a scheme that does not use any hashing scheme.

  7. Explain why digital signature schemes works ?